Agents of Shield 3X07 “Chaos Theory” Recap (SPOILERS)

Agents of Shield 3×07 “Chaos Theory” Recap (SPOILERS)

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As Daisy and the team fight to protect Inhumans, S.H.I.E.L.D. discovers the shocking truth about one of their biggest foes. Meanwhile, Fitz helps Simmons recover information that could lead them back through the portal.

About This Episode:

In this episode we have Lincoln, Mack, Coulson, Daisy, and the ATCU going after Lash, whose identity was recently revealed as Andrew Garner, May’s ex husband. Meanwhile at the base, Fitz and Simmons are continuing to try to find a way to reopen the portal, with the help of Bobbi and Hunter, who decide to give up their attempts to get revenge on Ward.


Disclaimer: These are my own personal opinions and love sharing them, but I’m not asking anyone to agree with me. 🙂

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This episode is mainly focused on Andrew and May because after Bobbi and her get back, she decides to confront Andrew about what Werner said. And it does not end well. Earlier in the episode we see Lincoln contact Mack, to tell him he knew Lash was in S.H.I.E.L.D. Apparently, after the season two finale, S.H.I.E.L.D. got ahold of Jiaying’s belongings, which included her books. Coulson gave the books to Andrew, hoping Andrew could learn more about inhumans, not knowing that one of the books had been rigged with terrigen mist, turning Andrew into Lash. The book that had the terrigen mist had all the names of the inhumans who were in the afterlife, so when Lincoln figured out that Shield had that book, he knew Lash was in Shield. So now that I explained that, let’s talk about the Andrew + May confrontation. After May tells him what Werner said to her, Andrew panics and shoots her with an I.C.E.R., and then takes her to an abandoned building. Even though obviously there are some major differences, this scene really reminded me of the skyeward confrontation they had in season one. (Which is still one of my favorite moments from the show.)


At the same time that is going on, Shield and the ATCU are tracking down May and Andrew’s location. When they find them, Lincoln starts a fight hoping to get revenge. Andrew ‘lashes’ out and ends up almost killing Rosalind by throwing her off a balcony, but Daisy saves her with her powers. May calms Andrew down, then shoots him to get him in the inhuman containment unit, which Lash survives. Basically, a lot went down.


On a happier note, let’s talk about Fitzsimmons. Before this episode, I was set on Will + Simmons but I have to say, I keep on going back and forth between the two ships after the Fitzsimmons scenes in the episode. It’s so obvious how much Fitz cares about Jemma. I mean come on, he’s helping her find the “competition.” (That’s what Hunter called Will lol.) Near the end of this episode Fitz finds a clue that may help them reopen the portal, and the clue also suggests Will may not have been sent to that planet by NASA. I really hope Will comes back soon because it will be interesting to see the interactions between him and Fitz.


Now for the scene at the end of the episode. We see Ward and Malick together, talking about taking down S.H.I.E.L.D. (Normal Hydra stuff.) And then Gideon’s phone rings. And guess who it is? Rosalind Price. *gasps* Wow I’m so shocked that Rosalind is lying to Coulson and working with Hydra. (I’m being completely sarcastic by the way.) Anyways, apparently Rosalind is helping Gideon and Ward. At least they connected two of the many storylines we have this season. Also, Ward finally reveals his agenda. His goal is to kill Coulson, because with no Coulson, there’s no S.H.I.E.L.D. I’m very apprehensive of where they may be taking his story this season.


Okay! That completes my recap. Thanks for reading! 🙂

I love to hear all of you guys opinions so please feel free to comment down below!



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